Wednesday, January 28, 2015

writing response Tocaqueville

                    After reading Khaled Mattawa Tocaqueville, I was amazed how every line was descriptive and I felt like I was in the area he described. For instance he stated  that ''This country will consume  forty five million metric tons of beef, thirty two million of pork. I could envision the entire farm and the animals. The poem was hard to understand at first, I had re read it to get a better understanding.
              The way he put the information seemed to me as if he was actually on the farm. The scenery seemed so beautiful and peaceful. Description and his artistic ability made me admire nature  a bit more. I didn't know that  a farm or any surroundings could be described in so many words and there was so many different things that were described on the farm. For instance, he described the air the scent and breeze. I thought that a description of the air made me feel like I could feel the breeze, everything seemed to realistically I think that I will continue to re read this particular poem over over to get a better understanding. This poem actually makes me feel at ease.
            The poem was brilliant but confusing. I  like the fact that some poems are hard to understand sometimes. I like putting the pieces together and trying to figure out what goes together.  The thongs that come to my mind when reading Rocaqueville  is that did the author want draw readers to the beauty of nature or did he want readers to understand the economic and wellness of our country. things will fall into place eventually when I go through each line a couple of more times.

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